Noemi Karsay

Noemi Karsay is from Budapest, Hungary. She holds an MA in American studies, as well as in English as a graduate of Eötvös Loránd University. Before coming to Stockholm she was an active member of the Moishe House initiative in Budapest and also received an MA in Nationalism/Jewish Studies from Central European University, Budapest. Currently she is a student at Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden.


Moishe House Comes to Stockholm
The basic idea of Moishe House is that 2-3 young individuals move in together in a shared home which becomes the hub of a local micro-community of young Jews who participate in Moishe House programs. Moishe House residents are required to organize a number of events each month in return for which they receive rent subsidy and program budget from external foundations. During the session the Moishe House model will be presented, as well as two examples, the Budapest and Chisinau Moishe Houses. Lastly, the possibility of a Moishe House Stockholm will be discussed.