Ambassadör Isaac Bachman

Isaac Bachman är sedan september Israels nya ambassadör till Sverige, och kommer före detta från en tjänst som Chief of Policy Staff till Israels utrikesminister och en serie av posteringar som ambassadör till latinamerikanska länder.  Denna postering i Sverige är Ambassadör Backmans första postering i Europa. Ambassadör Bachman har en LL.B. från Tel Aviv University.

Session: The challenges Israel is facing in the Middle East – Political and economical aspects

Ambassador  Bachman  will present the current challenges Israel is facing with regard to the developments in the Middle East region, including the events referred to world-wide as the “Arab Spring”.  Is the climate that the “Arab Spring” entails for Israel and the International community positive or negative, and how is that entire fragile situation affecting Israel?  Facing distinctive challenges of security and instability from both the Southern border with Egypt and the Northern border with Syria and Lebanon, Israel is also engaged in the global endeavor to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Despite regional instability, Israel has managed to develop a successful and thriving economy based on exports of high-tech and innovative ideas  – the challenges and prospects of Israel in a Middle East that is undergoing a revolutionary change  and how this is effecting the daily and regular life of the average Israeli.