Meesh Hammer-Kossoy

Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy teaches Talmud and directs the Social Justice Track at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, an open, co-ed and non-denominational Jewish learning community where students encounter and grapple with classic texts and traditions of Judaism, while exploring their relevance to today’s most pressing issues. Meesh was among the first cohort of Orthodox female rabbis ordained in June 2015. Meesh also serves as Director of Admissions and of Social Action, and writes an on-line course for the ICJW (International Council of Jewish Women). She has a PhD in Talmud from NYU.

Sessionstitel: ”All the Honor of the Princess is Within?!” (Psalms 24:16) perspectives on Women’s Religious leadership

Presentatör(er): Meesh Hammer-Kossoy

Sessionsbeskrivning: Ruth and Esther both took leadership roles in their communities, but normative practice for the last more than 2 mille nnium has been to keep women in the private sphere.  After being one of the first women ordained as a rabbi in the Orthodox movement this past June, I’ve been on a roller-coaster of media hype.  What is the big deal?  What accounts for the sudden opening in opportunities for women?  Why the opposition?  What does tradition have to contribute to the conversation?

60 min

Spår: Text 


Sessionstitel: My heart transplant / Air conditioning vs. Your Clean Water

Presentatör(er): Meesh Hammer-Kossoy

Sessionsbeskrivning: Clearly, we have an obligation to feed the hungry, but with all the hunger in the world, how can we budget resources for cancer research and our own heart transplants.  We’ll examine the Talmudic model of scarce resource allocation with an eye to creating a personal tzedakah giving plan.

60 min

Spår: Text


Sessionstitel: Jewish and democratic state – oxymoron?

Presentatör(er): Meesh Hammer-Kossoy

Sessionsbeskrivning: MK Haneen Zoabi and Satmar Rabbi Teitlebaum are united in their conviction that there is no such thing as a Jewish and Democratic state, as dictated by the Israeli basic laws.  The UN Human Rights Commission seems equally unimpressed.  What do we as modern Jews have to say about the tension and complexity of building a Jewish and democratic state both from traditional and practical perspectives?

60 min

Spår: Judiskt Liv

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