Devora Steinmetz

Devora_SteinmetzServes on the faculty of Drisha Institute in the United States and Israel. She has taught Talmud and Rabbinics at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Yeshivat Hadar, and Havruta at Hebrew University. Dr. Steinmetz is the founder of Beit Rabban, a Jewish day school profiled in Daniel Pekarsky’s Vision at Work. She is the author of scholarly articles on Talmud, Midrash, and Bible and of two books: From Father to Son: Kinship, Conflict, and Continuity in Genesis and Punishment and Freedom: The Rabbinic Construction of Criminal Law. Dr. Steinmetz consults for the Mandel Foundation and works at Gould Farm, a therapeutic community for individuals struggling with mental illness.

Sessionstitel: Why Rain Comes From Above

Presentatör(er): Devora Steinemtz

Sessionsbeskrivning: Biblical and rabbinic texts about rain invite us to join in an exercise of religious imagination and to consider how this mundane – yet critically life-giving – event offers a model for reflecting on the gifts that we have and on our responsibilities toward those who have less that we do.

60 min


Sessionstitel: Darkness Will Envelop Me, A Different Look At Chanukka

Presentatör(er): Devora Steinmetz

Sessionsbeskrivning: The Talmud tells about the origins of Chanuka in a way that closely parallels a talmudic legend about Adam’s first encounter with darkness. As the month of Kislev begins, we will study these talmudic texts to illuminate our own encounter with the darkness and with the upcoming holiday of Chanuka.

60 min


Sessionstitel: Promises, Promises: Obligations Imposed And Assumed

Presentatör(er): Devora Steinmetz

Sessionsbeskrivning: A discussion in the Talmud about oaths, vows, and mitzvot raises critical questions about how we relate to obligation–and to the source of obligations. Does it matter whether we experience ourselves as commanded or whether we see ourselves as committing to a course of action?

60 min

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