Lizzie Oved Scheja

Lizzie Oved Scheja is a theatre/program director and translator, in charge of interdisciplinary programs at ScasPro Cultura et Scientia in Uppsala and is föreståndare för Judiska Församlingen’s programverksamhet/centret. Israeli born, Lizzie graduated from the School of Fine Arts at UCLA. She was Israel’s cultural attaché in Sweden, has presented Israeli culture and directed cultural programs in most major institutions in Stockholm. Lizzie has been working for strengthening cultural ties and building bridges between Sweden and Israel as well as focusing on the important role that Jewish culture plays in changing Europe. Among the numerous programs she directed: Amos Oz at Kulturhuset; The New European Cultural Landscape and the Jewish Experience – congress at Moderna Museet; Rock & Identity: Israel 60 at Berns; Ernest Bloch at Stora Synagogan; Moses Mendelssohn at Konserthuset. Works in process: Who is European? – an international symposium and Themes in Contemporary Israeli Literature. Her recent translation, Ibsen’s Master Builder, will premier at Habima National Theater in December.


The Fucked up Generation: Young Israeli Culture 1995-present
The murder of Yitzhak Rabin confronted the A-political young Israeli culture of the time with a sense of meaninglessness and despair. At the same time that very murder became a bearer of meaning. This session will deal with contemporary cultural tendencies in the Israeli society; tendencies that display a breakage with the past. Disintegration of common truths has not resulted in an extrovert, loud, anti-culture. Instead, cultural expression resorted to the very private. Nevertheless, despite the unbearable tension between the private and the general, Israel’s cultural scene has never been so vibrant and expressive as it is today. This session is a voyage into that very cultural scene while focusing on relevant issues.