Anastasia Komoliatova

SONY DSCAnastasia Komoliatova was born in 1983. She studied at the Pomor State University on the Department of History, graduated in 2005. From September 2005 to October 2009 she studied at Graduate school of the Pomor State University on the Departments of Humanities in specialization “Religious Studies, Philosophy of Culture, Philosophical Anthropology”. In 2009 she was awarded the Academic degree of the Candidate of Sciences (Historical). A. Komoliatova has been working as lecturer on Jewish History in Russia and Jewish Tradition since 2009. She worked as the Research Fellow of the Center
for Comparative Religious Studies and Ethnosemiotics of the Institute of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk). She worked in the Jewish Community of Archangelsk as a teacher of Jewish Tradition and History.

Session 1: Menachem Begin – Biblical images in the destinies of modern Jewish leaders.

The aim of this session is the analysis of the Biblical allusions and connotations in the life of the prominent Israeli leader, Menachem Begin. He came from a pious family, received a brilliant  education and in 20 years become a recognized leader. He was persecuted in Poland, Lithuania and the USSR. Begin had almost died in 1941, while he had been at the Stalin’s camp on the territory of the Arctic circle (at present – Komi Republic). Then his fate radically changed. He came to freedom,
miraculously got out from the USSR. Then there were the years of struggle and incredible patience in his life and, finally, peak of his career – victory at the elections at Israel. Author’s concept lies in the assumption about parallels, analogies and similarities in the lines of destiny of Menachem Begin and Biblical Joseph.

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