Ariel Homa holds a BA degree in Journalism, Media and Communication (the University of Gdansk). His BA thesis was about the Gaza War in publications of two main Polish dailies. Currently he lives in Stockholmand studies at Paideia in order to obtain MA degree in Jewish Studies. He has been involved in different Jewish activities, e.g. establishing Tamar Olami branch in Poland, “madrichim in training” program run by JDC Poland, and also volunteering for OneShul online Jewish community. Ariel also took part in several Jewish themed seminars, such as: Gesher the Bridge for Jewish Home, Masmerim Nordic Jewish Leadership or Limud Keszet Polska. But for him the most important action in the recent year was building the progressive Jewish congregation Beit Trojmiasto (Tricity).
As one of its founders, Ariel was responsible for community’s public relations and for organizing regular Shabbat events. He also established in Gdansk the Jewish culture club called Beit Kultura and compiled the Beit Trojmiasto Haggadah for Pesach 5773.
Session 1: Jewish life in Europe: Its Challenges and Opportunities
Meet three of the forefront activists of Jewish Europe Meira Odina from Spain, Mária Tömösváryová from Slovakia and Ariel Homa from Poland, all currently students at Paideia the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden. Learn about the quality and quantity of Jewish life in their respective home countries, their notion of a European Jewish identity, their visions for future Jewish life in Europe, and why they are dedicating eight months of their lives to Jewish studies in Sweden.