Joachim Bergström is Special Envoy to combat anti-Semitism and Islamophobia at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm, where he works with interreligious dialogue, religious diplomacy and Sweden’s multilateral engagements in this field. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Tokyo with a dissertation on transnational public memory of war crimes during World War II. Bergström is a clinical psychologist and former journalist working for media organizations in Sweden, Japan, and the United States. After joining the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, he was posted to Tokyo, Riyadh and Washington, DC.
Sessionstitel: Arbeta med anti-semitism och islamofobi på ett globalt plan
Presentatör(er): Joachim Bergstöm, moderator Willy Silberstein
Sessionsbeskrivning: Joachim Bergström is Special Envoy to combat anti-Semitism and Islamophobia at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm, where he works with interreligious dialogue, religious diplomacy and Sweden’s multilateral engagements in this field. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Tokyo with a dissertation on transnational public memory of war crimes during World War II. Bergström is a clinical psychologist and former journalist working for media organizations in Sweden, Japan, and the United States. After joining the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, he has been posted to Tokyo, Riyadh and Washington, DC.
45 min
Spår: Politik