Deborah Kahn-Harris

Deborah Kahn-Harris hasa BA in Art History, has studied at the Oxford centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies and a semicha from Leo Baeck College. Deborah works for the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain and teaches at Leo Baeck College where she is the principal. Deborah’s PhD dissertation is entitled ‘A Hammer for Shattering Rock: Employing Classical Rabbinic Hermeneutics to Fashion Contemporary Feminist Commentary on the Bible’.

Sessionstitel: Are you looking for a new way into the text of the Bible?

Presentatör(er): Deborah Kahn-Harris

Sessionsbeskrivning: In this session we will look at a variety of artwork (18th-21st centuries), which depicts a single scene in the book of Ruth. What can we learn about Ruth using these depictions?

60 min:

Spår: Text


Sessionstitel: Let us return: thinking about prayer, bible and theology

Presentatör(er): Deborah Kahn-Harris

Sessionsbeskrivning: What happens when biblical text becomes liturgy? In this session we will examine the famous verse at the end of the book of Lamentations and see how its meaning is transformed by placing it in our liturgy.

60 min

Spår: Text


Sessionstitel: Looking for a new model for your relathionship with the divine?

Presentatör(er): Deborah Kahn-Harris

Sessionsbeskrivning: Do you know where God is (possibly) likened to a mother in the Psalms? What does weaning have to do with spirituality? For the answer to these and other questions, come and study with us and find out what is really going on is Psalm 131.

60 min

Spår: Text

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