Michie Yana-Berger

Michie_Yana-BergerFrom Japan with family roots in the Sino-Russian town of Harbin, Michie became an active member at Spanish & Portuguese synagogues in New York and London. In addition to her 20 years career as a financial analyst, she is married to Jeff, the rabbi of Rambam Sephardi Synagogue in Borehamwood, UK.

Sessionstitel: Pioneering Jewish Women In Early American History

Presentatör(er): Michie Yana-Berger

Sessionsbeskrivning: This session will shed light on the lives and contributions of Jewish women in early American history, dating back to the very first Jewish refugees from Racife, through the Colonial Period and the American Civil War. Subjects range from the wives and daughters of community leaders, a composer of synagogue hymns, a Confederate spy and a ’Jewish Nightingale.’

60 min

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