Nathan Abrams lives in North Wales where he teaches Film Studies at Bangor University. He is a regular Limmud presenter on the representation of Jews, Jewishness and Judaism in cinema. He most recent books are Jews & Sex, Studying Film and The New Jew in Film: Exploring Jewishness and Judaism in Contemporary Cinema.
Nathan was one of the most popular sessionholders at Limmud Stockholm in 2009 and is now back promising even bigger and better things.
The Shining as Midrash
In this session we’ll explore Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining using midrash to appreciate the film as midrash.
In this session we’ll explore Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining using midrash to appreciate the film as midrash.
A Serious Man
In this session, the Coen Brothers’ Jewish masterpiece, A Serious Man, will be discussed in depth.
In this session, the Coen Brothers’ Jewish masterpiece, A Serious Man, will be discussed in depth.
Menstchlikyat vs. Goyim Naches
In this session, we’ll explore the conflict between ‘Yiddische’ and ‘goyische’ values in film.
In this session, we’ll explore the conflict between ‘Yiddische’ and ‘goyische’ values in film.