Uri Rothman

Uri Rothman arbetar som vice beskickningschef vid Israeliska Ambassaden i Stockholm. Uri föddes i Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz i norra Israel, 1969. Han är gift och har tre barn. Uris förra postering var vid Ambassaden i Bern, Schweiz. Uri har studerat arabiska vid Givat Haviva Institution för co-existence between Jews and Arabs samt har en fil. mag. (M A) i Mellanösternfrågor från Tel Aviv University.

Session: Israeli Politics:  In the search of Consensus

In this presentation I would like to discuss how the current Israeli political system was created on the basis of the early Zionist movement of the Yeshuv. I will then describe some distinctive characteristics of political life in Israel. Among them: the influence of the Israeli Palestinian conflict on politics, Israel as a society of immigrants, the different splits in Israeli society and the role of the Supreme Court in politics. I would then like to present the future challenges for Israeli politics: the decline of integration policy, demography of the ultra Haredi and Arab societies, globalization and the social protest.