Clive is one of the founders of Limmud worldwide and is now its Senior Consultant. He is scholar in residence at the London Jewish Cultural Centre, has been a high school Headmaster, Director of Liverpool’s municipal education service, Chairman of a hospital board and a governor of the London Police. He is a magistrate, works worldwide in the fields of diversity and educational development, has published about 15 books and broadcasts fairly frequently on the BBC.
Session 1: At least 3 things you’ve never thought about before about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Session 2: What should we think about Israel?
’What should we think about Israel?’ explores different ways to think about Israel – religious, political, or traditional or modern or what? And anyway, what exactly do we mean when we say ’Israel’ and is this the same as our grandparents meant?
Session 3: What is a mitzva – a commandment or a pleasure?