Mária Tömösváryová

Tomosvaryova_Limmud_photoMária Tömösváryová is a student of Paideia European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, where she focuses on interfaith education. She has studied Jewish Studies at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary and English language and Drama Education at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. During her studies at CEU she studied the impacts of a Holocaust experience on upbringing and religious beliefs of a Jewish youth in Slovakia.

During her BA studies at Masaryk University she built up an educational drama lesson for students withfocus on multicultural education and her MA thesis was about integration of marginalized groups in the US and Slovakia to national educational systems.
She has worked as project manager in a Slovak base nongovernmental organization Milan Simecka Foundation where she focused on projects connected to human rights education. She also cooperated with a  Holocaust Documentation Centre where she participated on various Holocaust educational projects for teachers and students.

In the future she would like to stay in the educational sphere and devote her professional activities to multicultural
and interfaith education taught via drama and a Jewish religious knowledge.

Session 1: Jewish life in Europe: Its Challenges and Opportunitie

Meet three of the forefront activists of Jewish Europe Meira Odina from Spain, Mária Tömösváryová from Slovakia and Ariel Homa from Poland, all currently students at Paideia the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden. Learn about the quality and quantity of Jewish life in their respective home countries,  their notion of a European Jewish identity, their visions for future Jewish life in Europe, and why they are dedicating eight months of their lives to Jewish studies in Sweden

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