Uri Rothman

uri rothmanUri Rothman arbetar som vice beskickningschef vid Israeliska Ambassaden i Stockholm. Uri föddes i Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz i norra Israel, 1969. Han är gift och har tre barn. Uris förra postering var vid Ambassaden i Bern, Schweiz. Uri har studerat arabiska vid Givat Haviva Institution för co-existence between Jews and Arabs samt har en fil. mag. (M A) i Mellanösternfrågor från Tel Aviv University.

Session 1: Haredi parties in Israeli politics – reforming through negotiations.

My claim: Haredi parties are vital component in Israeli politics. Although they are seen many times as an obstacle to political, social and civil change – they have actually played an important role in reforming political, social as well as civil life. The current changes in Haredi society suggest that they will have to be more open for reforms in the future. Hence, a true change in Israeli society must engage Haredi parties in future political decision making.

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