Rebecka Thor

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARebecka Thor is a writer and critic, based in Stockholm. She is currently writing her PhD in Aesthetics at Södertörn University. Under 2012-2013 she was a guest teacher at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm.  She received her MA from The New School for Social Research, New York in 2009 and was a researcher at the theory department at the Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht in 2010-2012. Her research interests lay in the intersection between contemporary art and politics and her dissertation is dedicated to four video works that all relate to the visual narration of the aftermath of the Holocaust leading up to the conflict in Israel/Palestine.

Session 1: Vanja, Fanny och Rebecka: tre unga akademiker berättar om sitt arbete.

I sessionen möter Yael Feiler socialantropologen och genusforskaren Fanny Ambjörnsson, författaren och genusvetaren Vanja Hermele och forskaren och skribenten Rebecka Thor. Tillsammans söker de skälen till att de kommit att arbeta med det de gör

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