Uri Rothman

urirothman[1]Uri Rothman tjänstgör som vice beskickningschef vid Israels ambassad i Stockholm. Han föddes i Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz i norra Israel,1969. Han är gift och har tre pojkar. Han har tidigare tjänstgjort vid Israels ambassad i Bern. Uri Rothman har en fil mag (MA) i Mellanösternfrågor från Tel Aviv University. Han har också studerat arabiska vid Givat Haviva Institution for co-existence between Jews and Arabs.

Session 1: The 4 political ’cracks’ that separate the Middle East today

Since the eruption of turbulence in the Arab World best known as ”The Arab Spring” in December 2010, the Middle East has been defined by four major rifts. The conflict between Sunna and Shia, the clash between the Muslim brotherhood Movement and ”Status-quo Regimes”, The Plight of religious minorities victims of political and radical Islam and the Rise of Global Jihadist Al-qaeda affiliated organizations and their battle against statehood.  In this presentation I will describe these 4 cracks and explain how they influence Israel.

Session 2:  Jihad’s evolution from communal restrained duty into personal obligation

 In this lecture I will present significant historic developments in interpreting the religious obligation of Jihad and how through history this obligation became a personal one. The presentation will look into the background of religious interpretations to the duty of Jihad that eventually created the modern phenomena of ”Global Jihad” as we know it today. Global Jihad is one of the most difficult challenge we are facing these days which results in suicide bombing and other suicidal actions in the name of Islam.

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