Vivi Lachs

Vivi_LachsVivi Lachs has a background of 25 years as secondary school teacher and educational advisor in East London. She is just completing a PhD in Royal Holloway, University of London in History and music analysing Anglo-Yiddish popular culture 1884-1914. She has lectured nationally and internationally on education, multimedia and Anglo-Yiddish culture, including the socialist poetry of Morris Winchevsky and the Anglo-Yiddish music hall. She has sung Yiddish folk and pop songs with the band Klezmer Klub for over 15 years. In the last year she established and is performing Cockney-Yiddish music hall with the band Katsha’nes. She also leads singing history tours of the Yiddish East-End of London.

Sessionstitel: Old Solomon Levy – The Story Of The Jiddisch Market

Presentatör(er): Vivi Lachs

Sessionsbeskrivning: Old Solomon Levy was a character who appears in an old Yiddish children’s song from London’s Petticoat Lane market. This session will tell Solomon’s story, and the story of the bustling Yiddish markets, and explore what was being sold there, as identified in Yiddish song texts. This half hour session will be in Yiddish.

45 min

OBS: Denna session spelas in för tv-sändning på utbildningsradion


Sessionstitel: The London Stetl Of Whitechapel

Presentatör(er):Vivi Lachs

Sessionsbeskrivning: The London stetl of Whitechapel was home, in its heyday, to around 150,000 Yiddish-speaking Jews. The vibrant life, cultural, creative, religious, yet poor, desperate and hard, is captured in Yiddish songs of the period. The songs hold gems of cultural history, politics, propaganda, the hilarious and the heartbreaking. This will be an illustrated talk with images and song and lots of history. No Yiddish knowledge needed.

60 min


Sessionstitel: Morris Winchevsky’s London Yiddisch Poems

Presentatör(er): Vivi Lachs

Sessionsbeskrivning: The vibrant and prolific poet Morris Winchevsky spent fifteen years in London. There he became known as the zeyde, the grandfather of Jewish socialism. He made a significant attempt to engage impoverished East End immigrant Jews with topical issues and to fight for a fairer future. His verse gives us glimpses into this culture. This talk will illuminate the history with images, poetry and song. No Yiddish knowledge needed.

60 min

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