Marc Harris

marc.harris kopiaMarc is a commercial Lawyer practicing in Stockholm. Over the years, Marc has developed an interest in American legal developments, it even went so far as Marc writing his master thesis for the university of Gothenburg on an obscure, but ever so exciting American maritime concept. The last two years Marc has presented something at Limmud Stockholm in the intersection between American legal philosophy and Jewish legal practice. So too this year. Marc is the programming chair of Limmud Stockholm.

Sessionstitel: Jewish Justice: An Exploration Of The Jurisprudence Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Presentatör(er): Marc Harris

Sessionsbeskrivning: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the most brilliant juritsts alive today. Perhaps she is also one of the most influential and powerful Jews drawing breath as her legal writing, whether it be the ruling of the court or one of her fierce dissenting opinions, shape the law and the conversation about the law in the most powerful nation on earth. She is also an importnant Jewish thinker. In this session we will find out if her Jewish thought informs her legal reasoning.

60 min

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