Jean och Paula Goldenbaum

Jean Goldenbaum, classical music composer and has a PHD musicology. He was born in 1982 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and lives in Berlin, Germany. His music has been performed all over the world. He’s been the composer-in-residence of different events, has recorded three albums with his music and has works published both in Brazil and in Europe. Jean works as a researcher at the ‘European Centre for Jewish Music’ (University of Hannover). For more information:

Sessionstitel: V’khol znei zmara

Presentatör(er): Jean & Paola Goldenbaum

Sessionsbeskrivning: In this lecture, composer and musicologist Dr. Jean Goldenbaum explains how music appears in the Tanakh, analyzing its religious, social and cultural aspects for the Jewish people. Which instruments existed, how they were played, how the musical theory and notation were back in the days, are examples of questions, which will be approached. Jean and his wife, Judaism researcher Paola Goldenbaum present live an example of how the music at that time could have sounded, performing ancient instruments. In the end, building a bridge between biblical times and our days, Paola performs a piece composed by Jean especially for this occasion. (The title ‘V’khol zne zmara’ means “And all kinds of music”, a passage from the Book of Daniel, 3:5)

60 min

Spår: Kultur

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