Alastair Falk

Alastair Falk is Director of Educational Leadership with UJIA, Britain’s leading Jewish educational charity. His work with and for schools includes teacher training curriculum development and helping institutional change. Alastair has been a Headteacher of three schools, holds a Masters in Community Education and, over 30 years ago, he came up with the idea for something called Limmud…


Developing Teachers for Jewish schools
From initial degrees to Masters, this session will highlight new courses being developed to help improve the quality and supply of teachers of Jewish Studies. We will explore how these courses may be helpful for schools outside the UK and ways in which communities might be helped to build their own local solutions to the need for Jewish Studies teachers in 21st century schools.

Working the shadow side; schools and communities as organizations.
A chance to take a health check for your school or organisation and look at how to make things work better for everyone. Gerard Egan writes about organisations from a human, emotional perspective. This session will help you understand the informal, implicit beliefs and practices that underpins all organisations and should offer valuable insights for helping you change your school, organisation or community.