Kevin Sefton

Kevin loves trying new things and is escited by the potential of people and the ideas they have. He’s intrigued and stimulated by what others have to say, and looks forward to helping his guests relax on the chat show sofa. A Londoner, Kevin is delighted to be running to his second Limmud Stockholm, and to doing something new and different every day. Please challenge me.

Professionally, for several years he specialised in structural elements of the English education system, and often wonders what a school would look like without any permanent building. More recently, clients for his IT and strategy consulting practice have reflected his love of food, including a whisky distillery, a brewery, chocolate manufacturers, an artisan bakery and a haggis factory. It’s not all edible though. Other recent projects include made-to-measure men’s shoes and a stationery product.

He’s also launched a Jewish community ideas initiative called NuMa which has resulted in a project for the UK community to be self-sufficient in Rosh Hashana honey over the course of the next five years. Kevin has been a Limmud volunteer in the UK for many years and he is on the board of Moishe House Europe.


The Limmud chat show
After featuring in Limmuds in the UK and Los Angeles, the Limmud Talk Show makes its first appearance in Sweden. Each night, it’s your chance to relax and enjoy the company of our most intriguing presenters as they join Kevin Sefton on the sofa. You’ll get conversation, music, laughs and the odd surprise or two along the way.

A vegetarian walks into an abattoir
In 2010, as part of a series of classes on kashrut and ethical treatment of animals, Kevin spent a day at a kosher chicken slaughterhouse. What impressed him? What surprised him? Did he tell them he was vegetarian? Did it change his mind about eating meat? And at a time when shechita may be under threat, what did he say to his European Parliament representative when he got home?